Top 3 Dream / Internship Sites !
1. NBC News / Telemundo
I would like to intern at NBC and Telemundo News Station because I feel like it would benefit my career and help guide me where I want to work in a near future. I am already attending a Media Academy there, so it would really help if I attended as an intern there to expand my work, communication and leadership skills to the point where I have an idea of what it would be like working there. I can bring my presentation/public speaking skills, determination and adaptability to the workplace, as well as being able to multitask and having patience to work in a stressful environment. |
2. Air1 Radio Station
This would be a really good environment and place to intern because it’s such a teenage-friendly place, where, like at Channel 933, I can obtain a lot of broadcasting skills to use when I’m working on my career. This would benefit me to the point where I can have a reference during college and doing my broadcasting classes. I could get some experience working in a radio station, especially one I listen to with my family a lot and at home. I’ve always wanted to work there/intern there because the people seem interesting and it’s a Christian Radio Station, so I feel like not only can I obtain some broadcasting skills, but I can also surround myself with people in the same religion who I can talk to and I can interact with. |
3. Channel 933 Radio Station
This is a radio station that I’ve listened for as long as I can remember, and this is when I realized that I wanted a career in Communications and Broadcasting. This is definitely a place I would love to intern at because it seems like such a fun place to be, and I would definitely love to obtain some skills in the broadcasting world, and apply some that I’ve learned in the Media Academy at NBC. I can bring my presentation/public speaking, communication and leadership skills to this internship, as well as adaptability and multitasking. If there were to be some chaos there, I would have enough patience to work in a very busy and stressful environment without any distractions. |
What are you most looking forward to about Junior Internships?
I am looking forward to being able to work in a very professional place, a place where I am able to connect with adults who are willing to help me, and a place where I am able to explore an environment I would want to work in in the future. Having the experience of being at an internship site is really interesting because you get to see other people in action where they work and you are also able to integrate yourself into that, picture and imagine yourself working alongside them in the future, or a couple years, learning and discovering alongside them. It doesn't matter where you intern, as long as you enjoy it and embrace wherever you are, I think that's definitely going to make the experience worth it.
Which of your skills do you hope to apply to your internship? Which of your skills do you hope to strengthen at your internship?
Some skills I really hope to apply to my internship are communication, public speaking, flexibility with changes, adapting quickly to new habits and time structures, being bilingual (Spanish and English), fast typer / reader / writer, and creativity. With communication, I feel like I can communicate with others really well, being able to keep a conversation going, to speak with adults in a professional way, to address someone if theres a problem or if someone has a question, and not being afraid of speaking up when it's needed. I've really grown in public speaking, especially since most of the projects I've done have required for me to speak in public, in front of a large audience, in front of other people, so I'm used to doing that and I feel comfortable doing it if it's needed at my internship. Adapting quickly to new structures and habits is something that people often find very difficult. For me, this is really easy, especially coming from a family that has to quickly adapt to anything new that is thrown at us, I've found myself being able to work alongside this and incorporate myself into a habit of being really flexible in these kinds of environments and always keeping an open mind. Everything else is pretty self-explanatory, but I feel like I have a lot of skills that I can bring to my internship that would be useful. I really hope to improve my time-management better, my adaptation with structures and being more creative in different environments. Even though these are some of my skills, I feel like with more improvement, I can definitely be an expert in these skills and these will help me grow more as a person and how I work in the professional world.